Sunday, May 20, 2007

I am back!!!

For all those surprised and going “waittt a minuuuteee!! I thought she stopped torturing us with her articles” Moi begs your pardon.

You know how human minds are - ‘absofreakinglutely’ fickle. For all those people going “ lol women and brains” don’t get me, a stubborn, taurean, ‘girls are always right’ believing gal started.

And for those who are interested in knowing what really changed my mind, here you go…

Plagiarism has done to writers what silver fish has done to books since times in memorial. Will that mean we should stop writing and hoard all our thoughts to ourselves? Well, I doubt it. And so do most of the amateur and professional writes, poets and even readers I came across and revere, think.

When I first told my friends (almost sang in agony like a melodramatic ballad) about my decision not to publish articles/poems online, after some freak tried to copy and e-mail my poems without my acknowledgement, they were shocked. Some argued I was being insane about it and others went “When you decided to put your articles on the web, it was a risk you are aware of! Why give up just because of some crazy copy cat’s stupid decision to copy your poem!!!”

Probably they are right. And later on when I thought more about it, I realized, it was just my lazy procrastinating self trying to escape the task of writing, editing and publishing!

Not only am I being robbed of my precious previous works, but also, being stopped from writing new ones.

The LOSS IS MINE. And when this thought struck me like a 50000V lighting bolt, I picked up my pen and paper and decided to trouble you with more articles.

Have your articles/poems/pictures been cited/copied without acknowledgement? Are you too contemplating putting your articles online? DO you have any thoughts how to stop this? Or am I the only whining crybaby who needed to vent out her complaints to the whole world? Don’t you think we should do something about this?

Hold on to that thought while I draft some more articles..


Bharat said...

Good that u finally made a decision in favour of us! :)..

Rambler registries said...

welcome back! waiting for some more articles from ya!

Bharat said...

Really looking forward for your posting!!!