Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tagged by Priya

It had been quite a while since Priya had tagged me to write some completely weird lines about myself. But as you already know, I call myself an egocentric philantropist. And since when did egocentric people start finding faults/ weirdness about oneself!!
But life is a harsh teacher and mind is a funny student. When life tosses a completely unexpected day at an often startling, funny brain, it definitely goes haywire. And then perfection shunned mind presents its completely weird self.
Like everyday i left for work, a sleepy cheerful me, ready to snap into dreamland as soon as i find a niche in the Bay Area Rapid Transit. But little past 30 minutes, just as BART entered the trans bay tunnel, it came to complete stop. Driver announced that there were problems with the breaks and will have to restart his system, meaning a brief moment of darkness.
The lights went off not for moment but almost a minute and set off the weirdness triggers in my brain. These were the highlights:
1. No telephone networks, how will you call anybody? What if something happens?
2. Trapped in a tunnel, somewhere in the bay, what if the wall breaks and water gushes in? Don't even know swimming!!!!
3. Lights off, how will the train behind us know we are here? Who knows if tracking system is working?!!!
4. Similarly, what if there is a head on collision?
5. What if the driver is a terrorist, has planted a bomb and deserted us?
6. Am i claustrophobic? Should i shout and try run...
And before i could complete my 6Th weird thought, the lights were back and so were my senses. And for the next half an hour, me and my egocentric mind, spent laughing at myself, fixing our stupid selves while waiting for the technician to fix the train.


Bharat said...

Well, well, well, what do we have here? An aura of weird thoughts or a completely new phenomenon of unforeseen events that came out gushing seeing the anticipated and an already announced darkness:)

Rambler registries said...

that doesn't count as weird things about you though..they are weird thoughts..but shall accept them anyways! A bend in the road is not the end of it, unless you fail to make the turn! Good post.